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Jimmy’s Discovery Series Presents: Foxglove

April 7 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Jimmy’s Discovery Series Presents: Foxglove

Please note, this show will be taking place at The Gallery at Jimmy’s.

Foxglove is a 5-piece indie folk/soul band from southern Maine, led by singer/songwriter Laura Fox, who writes about love, the lack thereof, and the in-between.

Her songs and her voice are soothing and soulful—if you’ve ever loved someone, you’ll surely connect with her heartfelt lyrics.

She’s joined by seasoned players:

  • Whitney Roy, vocals + acoustic guitar (Old Hat Stringband, Fox + Roy, The Hazel Project)
  • Jim Dozet, electric guitar (Tourist Attraction, Crown Jules, Press Project)
  • Roland “Lefox” Nicol, upright bass (Rhye, Rusty Boys, Jon Nolan & Good Co)
  • Rick Habib, drums (The Kate Redgate Band, Jon Nolan & Good Co, North Village)

The collaboration with her band has helped to reshape and grow her songs, bringing in a dynamic nuance—a rich, rhythmic reframe.