“Soul is not dead… it has been resuscitated by a handful of flamekeepers with the care and the tonsils to bring the music back to its former glory…Orsi and his cohorts, drummer River City Slim, guitarist Larry Willey, bassist Tony DeLisio, and Steve Donovan on keyboards with John Smayda on saxophones and Neil Tint on trumpet, revive the Memphis soul sound with style…” says NO DEPRESSION (2022 Album Review ‘I’ll Carry You Home’).
THE MIGHTY SOUL DRIVERS are keepers of the Memphis Soul flame. Years of playing all kinds of gigs from major festival stages to corner taverns has honed each member's skills to a fine edge. They mine the deepest old Soul nuggets and breathe new life into them while creating their own contemporary soulful originals. The Mighty Soul Drivers deliver the goods. From the moment the opening horn riff blasts out of your speakers, The Mighty Soul Drivers pump out the some of best Memphis-style Soul to be heard in music! Their most recent album, 'I'll Carry You Home' (2022), reached #1 on the Roots Music Report for Soul Blues Albums and has been at #1 for 11 weeks. "These guys are superb...a fine set of musicians who can funky it up with anyone...I hope to have an opportunity to catch these guys live soon!" raves BLUES BLAST MAGAZINE. Bob Orsi (Vocals), River City Slim (Drums), Larry Willey (Guitar), John Smayda (Saxophone), Tony Delisio (Bass), Neil Tint (Trumpet) & Steve Donovan (Keyboard).